2017 Martin A. B. K. Amidu 2017 Martin A. B. K. Amidu


Mr. President, Ghanaians exhibit a great deal of good will for you to succeed as President. But make haste slowly and be fairly sure of each step you take. My humble observation from some of your recent pronouncements and acts as President, however, is that you appear to trust so many people without any reservations. Your anti-corruption agenda was a winning manifesto item at the elections, and we are expecting you to implement your promises without fear or favour, affection or ill will. Many Ghanaians, like me, are not followers of your political party but as long as you continue occupying that high moral ground and fight corruption in deeds, you will succeed and your first four-year tenure will usher in the golden age of Ghana again. If you always put Ghana First in your administration, the present goodwill you enjoy will endure throughout your tenure.

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2017 Martin A. B. K. Amidu 2017 Martin A. B. K. Amidu


Ghanaians have demanded and expect that the mandate of the 7th Parliament will be consistent with the letter and spirit of the 1992 Constitution; and the promises by the President to protect the national purse and be impartial in the governance of our dear country. The evidence of criminal and unconstitutional conduct in the whole body polity is overwhelming, but unconstitutional attempts are being made through influential chiefs and elders to let bygones be bygones. This is contrary to the demands of the Constitution for accountability, transparency and fairness in governance. May the 7th Parliament and the President remember that even walls have ears and we hear the attempts at trying to compromise the President’s anti-corruption agenda in the name of reconciliation. The President’s anti-corruption drive will be still-born with such compromises and reconciliations. May Ghanaians at the end of this 7th Parliament’s tenure be proud that it has helped to restore the underlying principles and values that Ghanaians gave to themselves the Fourth Republican Constitution, 1992.

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